Our exhibition program for fall 2013 is postponed due to the birth of our child. We are opening our gallery again in spring 2014. During fall we are working with the development and administration of our webshop. Check out our website www.nextart.se and FB for news!





We are opening Nextart Webshop with limited edition prints of our artists. First out is Ilja Karilampi with a signed print in a limited edition.

Welcome to the opening of “2013D” by Ilja Karilampi, 6 sept 7 pm at our new temporary space at Karl Johansgatan 152. More info soon.

Vi önskar våra vänner en skön sommar! I höst återkommer vi med spännande utställningar i nya lokaler. I september visar vi en installation av Ilja Karilampi i samarbete med GIBCA. Tack till Kultur Göteborg för projektstöd 2013!
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