New collaboration with Lodret/ Vandret. Book release and exhibition 28 february at Nextart More info soon!


Our exhibition program for fall 2013 is postponed due to the birth of our child. We are opening our gallery again in spring 2014. During fall we are working with the development and administration of our webshop. Check out our website and FB for news!

We are opening Nextart Webshop with limited edition prints of our artists. First out is Ilja Karilampi with a signed print in a limited edition.

Welcome to the opening of “2013D” by Ilja Karilampi, 6 sept 7 pm at our new temporary space at Karl Johansgatan 152. More info soon.


Press Release Hendrik Zeitler “Das Unbewusste” Opening 12 January 2013 kl. 2-6. Exhibition runs until 3 February. A photo can pay attention to a detail, an event, which we would not have recognized if it hadn’t been photographed. Antonioni’s movie ”Blow-Up” illustrates this phenomena in a brilliant way: a photographer finds traces from a crime first in the darkroom. A woman and a man’s brawl in a park indicate a possible murder. Hendrik Zeitler’s new exhibition ” Das Unbewusste” (the unconscious) which is shown at Nextart Gallery, highlights photography’s ability to capture events that we probably wouldn’t have seen if it wasn’t for the camera. The exhibition title refers to the concept “The Optical Unconscious” which was coined by Walter Benjamin in the essay “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction”. Benjamin aims in this case on the camera’s clarifying capacity: that it can discover things we otherwise would have missed. ” Das Unbewusste” presents two series. ”Strobe” revolves around random mistakes in the photo production, such as a rain drop or an umbrella tip that has been caught in a close up. The chilly white flash runs through all the images and the photographs adopt an almost abstract character. The pictures otherworldly excitement clashes against the family-based motives. The artist is portrayed with his loved ones, out in the nature, on trips or around the home, like a part of a family album. However, the direct presence which photos of this kind usually provide is absent. Instead, we are reminded of the temporal space that exists between the portrayed and us, a frozen and remote moment. In the ”Camera Obscura”-series, Zeitler has remade whole rooms into pinhole cameras and allows the exposure time to delay, sometimes up to a week. This method reveals images that we wouldn’t have seen with our own bare eyes, and they form coexisting patchworks of environments, colors and cormorants. Most of the photographs are taken in Zeitler’s family apartment in Hammarkullen, a residential area characterized by much greenery. The lush vegetation spreads into Hendrik’s apartment, a kaleidoscopic result of the pinhole camera. The camera’s mechanical limitations and possibilities work like a connective link between the “Strobe” – and the “Camera Obscura”-series. On the other hand, the photographs evoke existential thoughts that seem far away from those technical perplexities. They make us think of time, space and life. Hendrik Zeitler (born 1975) received his Master-degree at the School of Photography in Gothenburg 2003. Zeitler has also studied Gender Studies at Gothenburg University and Art and Architecture at Royal Academy of Arts in Stockholm. His art has been exhibited in both separate – and group exhibitions as Art museum at Abecita Corsettfabrik, Borås and Gothenburg’s fourth International Biennial for Contemporary Art. His book “A Place of One’s Own”, which can be purchased in Nextart’s Bookshop, was nominated for the Swedish Photo Book price in 2011. For more information and press images please contact Sara Arvidsson +4670-940 81 18 or
Loves rum, Hammarkullen, 2012, analog färgkopia från 4×5″-negativ, ramad.

Pressrelease Klara Källström ”Russian Bang: Bombing of Stockholm 1944” Opening December 8 2012, 2-6 pm. Exhibition runs until the 30th of December. What actually happened that night between 22 and 23 of February 1944, when Russian airplanes swept over a sleeping Sweden and dropped bombs over Stockholm? The event usually referred to as the “Russian Bang”, is a mysterious incident that few know of or remember. No fatal injuries were found, however; the bombs hit buildings and several trees. No obvious reason behind the attack has been identified, although the theories are numerous. The unsolved mystery serves as a catalyst to Klara Källström’s new photo project “Russian Bang: Bombing of Stockholm 1944”, which is premiere shown at Nextart Gallery in Gothenburg. Källström seeks out trees in the affected areas – they act like eyewitnesses – in search of possible clues. Nocturnal landscapes are lit by the camera’s strong flash and the exposed branches and stems are examined with intrusive precision. “Russian Bang” illustrates how the power of preconception forms the actual watching. As in “Wikiland”, which Klara published in cooperation with photographer Thobias Fäldt and 1:2:3 and for which Källström and Fäldt were awarded at Scanpix Big Photo Award, the project emphasizes how easily perception is influenced by an indicative guideline. In “Wikiland”, Klara and Thobias are following the famous Wikileaks-leader Julian Assange, but the intimate portraits of Assange never appear. The connection between the content and the title is not crystal clear. We are reminded of photography’s subjective and ever-changing nature and how images combined with texts have been used as manipulative tools. “Russian Bang” is the first part of an ongoing photo-project based on Swedish myths that Källström has initiated in collaboration with Fäldt. The exhibition presents 11 tree-portraits in color. A new publication, published by B-B-B-Books, is also launched at the opening. In this piece of printed matter documentary footage is intermingled with fictional interpretations in verse, written by a so called mythographer. The publication is issued in a limited edition of fifty copies. Klara Källström (born 1984) has after the examination at School of Photography, in Gothenburg 2009, exhibited her work in both group –and solo exhibitions. The latter category includes exhibitions at the Swedish Institute in Paris, Swedish Museum of Photography in Stockholm and The Popular Workshop in San Francisco. Klara has also created the art at Danderyd hospital’s tube station in Stockholm. Together with Thobias Fäldt and the designers 1:2:3, she runs the publishing-company B-B-B-Books, where many of her photo projects have been published. All book titles from B-B-B-Books can be purchased in Nextart’s bookshop. For more information or press images, please contact Sara Arvidsson at +4670-940 81 18 or


Press Release “FUN ACADEMY”- Thomas Mailaender FUN ACADEMY is Thomas Mailaender’s first Scandinavian show. The exhibition contains a variable list of works: clumsily executed pottery, a tattooed toilet, floor paintings and much more. Internet and flea markets are important sources of information for Mailaender, which can be seen in his arrangements of images and the aesthetic randomness that these provide. It’s not always the separate pictures or objects that are of importance here, but rather the strange clashes that occur when the photographs or objects meet. A process that is reminiscent of how internet surfing affects the perception – a modern form of surrealism or dadaism. In ”THE FUN ARCHIVE”, Mailaender has stored images of various types. Here the cute and naïve subject matter is juxtaposed with the tasteless and grotesque. From this archive, the artist also found material to the newly produced tapestry ”Image Bondage”, which has been designed with Nextart’s gallery space in mind. With needle and thread, the images have been combined into a grand collage, reminiscent of a contemporary Frankenstein’s monster. Moreover, Mailaender presents the slideshow ”Decisive Moment” – a loose and emancipated tribute to the old, French photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson. Thomas Mailaender (born 1979) is living and working in Paris and Marseille. His works have been exhibited at solo-exhibitions in Paris, London and New York. Mailaender is educated at Ecole des Arts Décoratifs de Paris (ENSAD) and has produced several books.
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