Konstnär Stefan Karlsson
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Paperpool International Corporation


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Paperpool International Corporation

Stefan Karlsson index - Paperpool Products - PIC in english
A special message to all our Scandnavian friends
from the president of Paperpool International Corporation

Our Corporation, which began its struggles when dreams could not even be expressed without the risk of being missunderstood. when the word assurance could not be uttered without arousing fear and prejudice, places its purest ideals in you, with the deep conviction that you will take them up, carry them forward and pass them on to those who come after you, until the time when Paperpool International Corporation can inscribe on its banner the fraternal and human slogan Continuity in our Changeable World.
Lawrence Remington

The Paperpool world is safe and sound

Modern society, like the nation with a past, must safeguard the development of civilization, leading to the making of our modem world. P.I.C. keeps the world under constant revision, ensuring that the results of modem developments and new discoveries are incorporated in each successive Paperpool. The health and safety of more than 20 million Scandinavian citizens are as much a responsibility of Paperpool International Corporation as is its obligations to secure progress and defend their freedom. The vaunted Scandinavian way of Living has become more than an earth-circling slogan that inspires our friends and dismays our enemies. It has become a perpetual personal challenge that we at P.I.C. must face and solve every day of our existence. In the future - as in the past - we shall best discharge our responsibilities to the Scandinavian public by making available the finest Paperpools that modem engineers, designers, manufacturers and salesmen can produce and sell. And let ' it be remembered that the best Paperpools are the ones that conduce to the nation's health and safety - quite as much as to its comfort and leisure. The record of Paperpool results in this regard is without parallel. And with good reason. The rules we live by are self-enforcing. We know from experience that to achieve success our Paperpools - for both the consumer and commercial Paperpools - must be designed and fabricated tosecure maximum health and safety dividends for our customers,as well as answering their needs and wants. Our aim was to create something where nothing had been before, and to provide the conditions for the creation of an assured world, a World of Paperpool in which the control and transformation of nature will serve the well-being and happiness of humanity. A world, Safe and Sound for Mankind.
"The Scandinavian Manifest" P.I.C. World Science Conference, Managua, 1973.
An International Corporation
P.I.C. is a modem multinational corporation with a worldwide network of plants and production facilities. Ever since its inception, P.I.C. has been intimately associated with assurance, ethics and dedication. P.I.C. represents the most advanced thinking in science, engineering, design and industry today. On-line technology in over 200 offices in Europe and throughout the world is putting Paperpool International Corporation years ahead of competition. The Paperpool Process is an invaluable source and guide for the progressive man - a natural medium which influence contemporary living all over the world.
The P.I.C. Headquarters in Shelbyville, Illinois is an important center in which educational work takes place

Development and Growth in Scandinavia
This remarkable development is due not only to the Nordic countries favorable natural conditions for P.I.C., but also in large measure to the excellent organisation of our Scandinavian associations, members and foundations. Their contribution have been of inestimable value for our Corporation, and the prosperity of the Scandinavian people, reflected in the high social standard of the Nordic countries.